So last night we had prayer...some of you missed it! and when I say you miss it, I mean you miss it.
The Lord is so good to us. Last night He visited us with His wonderful presence... Let me tell you that if you have never felt Gods presence, you don't know what you are missing.
It was such and exiting night. We came in and started praying and Gods sweet presence was already there waiting for us to reach out to Him and let Him touch us!!! We had prayer for needs and let me tell you we claim healing & salvation for family and friends both the ones that know God and the ones that don't.... it was so awesome the way God moved and the faith that our Young People are manifesting... GOD IS SO GOOD!!!
I thank God for all the changes that I see in our young people... You can see how much they have grown and how hungry they are to get to know better this life changing, wonderful, huge, awesome God that we serve. I really cant wait. I am so exited, that I don't exactly know how to put it in words. He is not done with us... We are here for such a time as this. 8^) God has done and is continually doing some really awesome marvelous works, and I thank him for it....
The Struggle is Real
9 years ago